By having Fibromyalgia Syndrome, which creates all kinds of problems in the body, I have to keep taking Lyrica twice a day in 300mg a dose, which is already more than what is recommended, so it is kind of a prescribed overdose.
Then, with the drop in energy levels that Fibromyalgia gives, I got almost dependent on Red Bull everyday.
And by being a long time cigarettes smoker, which I’ve tried to quit in every imaginable way (you name it…I already tried it!), and still remaining in a state of anxiety, mostly due to be an Aspie (which is a common trait in Aspies). I’ve come to have close to me these three friends at all times!
I know, society says I should quit cigarettes and Red Bull; but I have so many things to throw in society’s face that it shouldn’t do, that at this point in time I simply don’t care.
These are my drugs, and yes, I am dependent on them!
Maybe someday I will stop needing them, or maybe never, or maybe they will end up killing me. The thing is, for now they help me and so I will keep using them to function everyday.
Life is always a bag of unknown adventures to come, don’t you think?